A wild pig at Bramwell Station in Cape York

Bookings & Enquries

Our contact details

Bramwell Tourist Park and Bramwell Junction Roadhouse welcomes visitors from far and wide. We are extremely happy to be able to offer our guests the opportunity to experience Outback Australia.

Bramwell Junction Roadhouse

Mark and Melissa Horton

Phone: 07 4060 3230
Email: roadhouse@bramwellstationcapeyork.com.au
Postal: PMB 92, CAIRNS MC QLD 4870

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Bramwell Tourist Park

Ken Godfrey

Phone: 07 4060 3300
Email: touristpark@bramwellstationcapeyork.com.au
Postal: PMB 55, CAIRNS MC QLD 4870

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Bramwell Station

Daniel and Tess Buhmann

Email: mailbox@bramwellstationcapeyork.com.au
Postal: PMB 87, CAIRNS MC QLD 4870

Up North Enterprises Pty. Ltd.

 We look forward to seeing you in the Far North!